Deep Learning

I have been Designing and customising Neural Network architectures in computer vision for work and been Exploring other fields of Deeplearning out of genuine curiosity.


Python is the language of choice for any automation task that i have encountered for its versatality.


I was able to get my hands on Drone firmware for NPNT (No permission No Takeoff) compliance drafted by DGCA, was leading the team to build a solid architecture that meets their standards of security and regulations.

Geographic Informatics System

Developed computer vision solutions for solar construction progress monitoring, Crop counting in drone imagery and built a Robust Automated GIS workflow.

Physics, Maths, and everything nice could be converted into fractals of simple binary logic leading to the emergence of our universe's simulation.

Langage & Framework Expertness

python 85%
c++ 60%
Tensorflow 60%
keras 70%
pytorch 65%
Computer Vision 85%
Data Science 45%
GIS Development 65%
Drone Firmware 45%

G. Naveen Raj

Deep Learning Developer

+91 9003216455

Takvaviya Analytics

October 2018 to Present

Deep Learning Developer

I built the entire stack of automated workflow for Construction Progress monitoring of solar power plants using computer vision and multiple process automation. I significantly reduced the Workload and turn around time(TAT) from 9 days to 6 hours thus enabling very rapid growth of the Business. During the process of creating a concrete architecture, I was able to Develop Tools for GIS, and in the later months to come, I lead a team of two to build an architecture for Drones to be NPNT compliant, involving myself in drone firmware development and Architecture Design.

Bacehlor of Engineering

Session: 2014-18

Stream: Computer Science

Secondary Education

Session: 2012-14

Stream: Computer Science

Quantum Computing and its Applications

Presented a non-scary introduction of Quantum Computing delivering the significance and challenges that are in play to use one for Real-time Application.

Why your college doesnt matter to achieve greatness?

One of those talks where you pour your heart out and boost the confidence of the audience to achieve what they were meant for.